Library Asm.Bitvector.Split

Splitting bitvectors into component pieces

Require Import Arith Bool Bvector Euclid.

Require Import Asm.Util.ArithUtil.
Require Import Asm.Util.Mod.
Require Import Asm.Util.Tactics.

Require Import Asm.Bitvector.BArith.
Require Import Asm.Bitvector.Bitwise.
Require Import Asm.Bitvector.Convert.
Require Import Asm.Bitvector.Defs.

The basic split operation

Split an even-length bitvector into its two halves
Definition split_word n (v : Bvector (2 * n)) :=
  eucl_dev (pow2 n) (pow2_pos n) (bvec_to_nat v).

Definition lower_half n (v : Bvector (2 * n)) :=
  match split_word n v with
    divex q r _ _ => nat_to_bvec n r

Definition upper_half n (v : Bvector (2 * n)) :=
  match split_word n v with
    divex q r _ _ => nat_to_bvec n q

Theorem split_sound : forall n (v : Bvector (2 * n)),
  bvec_to_nat v = bvec_to_nat (lower_half n v) + pow2 n * bvec_to_nat (upper_half n v).

Specialized to 32 bits

Definition byte1 (v : int32) : int8 := lower_half 8 (lower_half 16 v).
Definition byte2 (v : int32) : int8 := upper_half 8 (lower_half 16 v).
Definition byte3 (v : int32) : int8 := lower_half 8 (upper_half 16 v).
Definition byte4 (v : int32) : int8 := upper_half 8 (upper_half 16 v).

Theorem split32_sound : forall v,
  bvec_to_nat v
  = bvec_to_nat (byte1 v)
  + pow2 8 * bvec_to_nat (byte2 v)
  + pow2 16 * bvec_to_nat (byte3 v)
  + pow2 24 * bvec_to_nat (byte4 v).

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