Library Asm.Util.Mod

Modular arithmetic

Require Import Arith ZArith Euclid.

Require Import Asm.Util.ArithUtil.
Require Import Asm.Util.Tactics.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Basic definitions

Equality of naturals modulo a natural
Definition eqMod m n1 n2 :=
  exists k,
    (Z_of_nat n1 = Z_of_nat n2 + k * Z_of_nat m)%Z.

Lemma two_gt_0 : 2 > 0.

Definition div2 n :=
  let (q, r, pfGt, pfEq) := eucl_dev 2 two_gt_0 n in

Definition mod2 n :=
  let (q, r, pfGt, pfEq) := eucl_dev 2 two_gt_0 n in

Definition mod2_bool n :=
  if eq_nat_dec (mod2 n) 0 then

eqMod is an equivalence relation.

Theorem eqMod_refl : forall m n,
  eqMod m n n.

Theorem eqMod_sym : forall m n1 n2,
  eqMod m n1 n2
  -> eqMod m n2 n1.

Theorem eqMod_trans : forall m n1 n2 n3,
  eqMod m n1 n2
  -> eqMod m n2 n3
  -> eqMod m n1 n3.

eqMod is a congruence for the basic arithmetic operations.

Theorem eqMod_plus : forall m n1 n2 k1 k2,
  eqMod m n1 n2
  -> eqMod m k1 k2
  -> eqMod m (n1 + k1) (n2 + k2).

Theorem eqMod_minus : forall m n1 n2 k1 k2,
  eqMod m n1 n2
  -> eqMod m k1 k2
  -> k1 <= n1
  -> k2 <= n2
  -> eqMod m (n1 - k1) (n2 - k2).

Theorem eqMod_S : forall m n1 n2,
  eqMod m n1 n2
  -> eqMod m (S n1) (S n2).

Theorem eqMod_mult : forall m n1 n2 k1 k2,
  eqMod m n1 n2
  -> eqMod m k1 k2
  -> eqMod m (n1 * k1) (n2 * k2).

Specific properties of modular equality

Theorem eqMod_mult_mod : forall m n1 n2 k,
  eqMod m n1 n2
  -> eqMod (k * m) (k * n1) (k * n2).

Theorem eqMod_one : forall n1 n2,
  eqMod 1 n1 n2.

Theorem eqMod_mod : forall m n1 n2,
  eqMod m n1 n2
  -> eqMod m n1 (m + n2).

Theorem eqMod_plus_minus_mod : forall m n1 n21 n22,
  n22 <= n21
  -> eqMod m n1 (n21 - n22)
  -> eqMod m n1 (n21 + m - n22).

Theorem eqMod_mod' : forall m n1 n2,
  eqMod m n1 (m + n2)
  -> eqMod m n1 n2.

Theorem eqMod_plus_minus_mod' : forall m n1 n21 n22,
  n22 <= n21
  -> n22 <= m
  -> eqMod m n1 (n21 + (m - n22))
  -> eqMod m n1 (n21 - n22).

Theorem eqMod_mod_times : forall m n,
  eqMod m m (n * m).

Theorem eqMod_add_mod : forall m n,
  eqMod m n (n + m).

Lemma eqMod_mod_plus : forall m n1 n2 k,
  eqMod m n1 n2
  -> eqMod m (k * m + n1) n2.

Alternative nat-based conclusion from eqMod

Lemma eqMod_nat : forall m n1 n2,
  eqMod m n1 n2
  -> exists k, (n1 = n2 + k * m \/ n2 = n1 + k * m).

Lemma eqMod_inj : forall m n1 n2,
  eqMod m n1 n2
  -> n1 < n2 + m
  -> n2 < n1 + m
  -> n1 = n2.

Lemma eqMod_nat' : forall m n1 n2 k,
  (n1 = n2 + k * m \/ n2 = n1 + k * m)
  -> eqMod m n1 n2.

Lemma eqMod_mod2_bool : forall m n1 n2,
  eqMod (2 * m) n1 n2
  -> mod2_bool n1 = mod2_bool n2.

Lemma eqMod_div2 : forall m n1 n2,
  eqMod (2 * m) n1 n2
  -> eqMod m (div2 n1) (div2 n2).

Theorem eqMod_contra : forall m n k,
  0 < k < m
  -> eqMod m n (n + k)
  -> False.

Theorem eqMod_S_contra : forall m n,
  m >= 2
  -> eqMod m n (S n)
  -> False.

Theorem eqMod_S_contra_pow2 : forall m n,
  eqMod (pow2 (S m)) n (S n)
  -> False.

Properties of mod2 and div2

Lemma mod2_S2 : forall n,
  mod2 (S (2 * n)) = 1.

Lemma mod2_bool_S2 : forall n,
  mod2_bool (S (2 * n)) = true.

Lemma div2_S2 : forall n,
  div2 (S (2 * n)) = n.

Lemma mod2_2 : forall n,
  mod2 (2 * n) = 0.

Lemma mod2_bool_2 : forall n,
  mod2_bool (2 * n) = false.

Lemma div2_2 : forall n,
  div2 (2 * n) = n.

Hint Rewrite mod2_S2 mod2_bool_S2 div2_S2 : asm.
Hint Rewrite mod2_2 mod2_bool_2 div2_2 : asm.


Hint Resolve eqMod_refl eqMod_sym eqMod_trans eqMod_one
  eqMod_plus eqMod_S eqMod_mult eqMod_mult_mod
  eqMod_mod eqMod_plus_minus_mod eqMod_mod_times : asm.

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