Library Asm.Util.ArithUtil


Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith ZArith.

Require Import Asm.Util.Tactics.


Fixpoint pow2 (n : nat) : nat :=
  match n with
    | O => 1
    | S n => 2 * pow2 n

Rewrite rules

Lemma rewrite_plus_0 : forall e, e + 0 = e.

Lemma rewrite_minus_0 : forall e, e - 0 = e.

Lemma Z_rewrite_plus_0 : forall e, (e + 0 = e)%Z.

Lemma Z_rewrite_times_0 : forall e, (0 * e = 0)%Z.

Lemma rewrite_times_2 : forall e, e + e = 2 * e.

Lemma rewrite_undistrib : forall x y z, x * y + x * z = x * (y + z).

Lemma rewrite_undistrib_minus : forall x y z,
  x * y - x * z = x * (y - z).

Lemma rewrite_minus_plus : forall x y z,
  x - (y + z) = x - y - z.

Hint Rewrite rewrite_plus_0 rewrite_minus_0 rewrite_times_2
  rewrite_undistrib rewrite_undistrib_minus : asm.
Hint Rewrite Z_rewrite_plus_0 Z_rewrite_times_0 : asm.

Lemma rewrite_undistrib_minus_const : forall x y,
  x * y - x = x * (y - 1).

Hint Rewrite rewrite_undistrib_minus_const : asm.

Lemma sub_one_S : forall n m,
  n - 1 - S m = n - 2 - m.

Hint Rewrite sub_one_S : asm.

Lemma double_minus : forall n,
  2 * S n - 1 = 2 * (S n - 1) + 1.

Lemma double_minus' : forall n,
  n > 0
  -> 2 * n - 1 = 2 * (n - 1) + 1.

Hint Rewrite double_minus : asm.
Hint Rewrite double_minus' using (myauto; fail) : asm.

Lemma sub_one : forall k n,
  S k * S n - 1 = S k * (S n - 1) + k.

Lemma pow2_pos : forall n, pow2 n > 0.

Lemma sub_one_pow2 : forall k n,
  S k * pow2 n - 1 = S k * (pow2 n - 1) + k.

Lemma minus_S_1 : forall n m,
  n - S m - 1 = n - m - 2.

Hint Rewrite sub_one sub_one_pow2 minus_S_1 : asm.

Lemma S_minus_1 : forall n, S (S n) - 1 = S (S n - 1).

Lemma percolate_minus_1 : forall n m,
  n - 1 - m = n - m - 1.

Hint Rewrite S_minus_1 percolate_minus_1 : asm.

Injectivity of Z_of_nat

Ltac Z_of_nat_tac :=
  match goal with
    | [ H : ?X = ?Y |- _] =>
      let H' := fresh in
        (assert (H' : Z_of_nat X = Z_of_nat Y);
          [ congruence | clear H; rename H' into H])
    | [ H : ?X > ?Y |- _] =>
      let H' := fresh in
        (assert (H' : (Z_of_nat X > Z_of_nat Y)%Z);
          [ apply inj_gt; trivial | clear H; rename H' into H])

Lemma Z_of_nat_bit : forall n,
  2 > n
  -> Z_of_nat n = 0%Z \/ Z_of_nat n = 1%Z.

Lemma Psucc_inj : forall n m,
  Psucc n = Psucc m
  -> n = m.

Lemma P_of_succ_nat_inj : forall n m,
  P_of_succ_nat n = P_of_succ_nat m
  -> n = m.

Lemma Z_of_nat_inj : forall n m,
  Z_of_nat n = Z_of_nat m
  -> n = m.

Other lemmas

Lemma S_times_two : forall n,
  S (S (2 * n)) = 2 * (S n).

Hint Rewrite S_times_two : asm.

Lemma pow2_times2 : forall n,
  pow2 (2 * n) = pow2 n * pow2 n.

Theorem pow2_plus : forall n m,
  pow2 n * pow2 m = pow2 (n + m).

Theorem demult : forall k n m,
  k >= 1
  -> n * k < m * k
  -> n < m.

Theorem rewrite_S : forall n,
  S n = n + 1.

Lemma plus_minus : forall n m k,
  k <= m
  -> n + (m - k) = n + m - k.

Lemma minus_plus' : forall n m k,
  n - (m + k) = n - k - m.

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