Library Asm.Util.Specif

Dealing with Set-level specifications

Set Implicit Arguments.

Definition sum_to_bool (A B : Prop) (p : {A} + {B}) :=
  if p then true else false.

Inductive pred_option (P : Prop) : Set :=
  | PSome : P -> pred_option P
  | PNone : pred_option P.

Definition popt_to_bool P (po : pred_option P) :=
  match po with
    | PNone => false
    | _ => true

Lemma popt_to_bool_true : forall P (po : pred_option P),
  popt_to_bool po = true
  -> P.

Definition popt_Prop P (po : pred_option P) :=
  match po with
    | PNone => False
    | _ => True

Inductive sig_option (T : Set) (P : T -> Prop) : Set :=
  | SSome : forall x, P x -> sig_option P
  | SNone : sig_option P.

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