Library Asm.Bitvector.Convert

Theorems about converting between bitvectors and naturals

Require Import Arith Bool Bvector Euclid.

Require Import Asm.Util.ArithUtil.
Require Import Asm.Util.Mod.
Require Import Asm.Util.Tactics.

Require Import Asm.Bitvector.Defs.
Require Import Asm.Bitvector.Tactics.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Converting bitvectors to naturals

Upper bounds

A bitvector can't translate to a natural number that requires more bits than the original did.
Lemma btn_upper : forall len (v : Bvector len),
  bvec_to_nat v < pow2 len.

Lemma btn_upper' : forall len (v : Bvector len),
  bvec_to_nat v <= pow2 len - 1.

Lemma btn_upper'' : forall len (v : Bvector len),
  bvec_to_nat v <= pow2 len.

Hint Immediate btn_upper btn_upper' : asm.

Lemma btn_diff_pos : forall len (v : Bvector len),
  pow2 len - bvec_to_nat v > 0.

Hint Resolve btn_diff_pos : asm.

Theorem btn_inj : forall n (t1 t2 : Bvector n), bvec_to_nat t1 = bvec_to_nat t2 -> t1 = t2.

Theorem btn_invert : forall len (v : Bvector len),
  nat_to_bvec len (bvec_to_nat v) = v.

Lemma S_minus_1_pow2 : forall len (v : Bvector len),
  S (pow2 len - bvec_to_nat v) - 1 = S (pow2 len - bvec_to_nat v - 1).

Hint Rewrite S_minus_1_pow2 : asm.

Converting naturals to bitvectors

Theorem ntb_mod : forall len n1 n2,
  eqMod (pow2 len) n1 n2
  -> nat_to_bvec len n1 = nat_to_bvec len n2.

Lemma mod2_div2 : forall n,
  n = 2 * div2 n + mod2 n.

Lemma mod2_inj : forall n1 n2,
  mod2_bool n1 = mod2_bool n2
  -> mod2 n1 = mod2 n2.

Theorem ntb_mod' : forall len n1 n2,
  nat_to_bvec len n1 = nat_to_bvec len n2
  -> eqMod (pow2 len) n1 n2.

Theorem ntb_invert : forall len n,
  n < pow2 len
  -> bvec_to_nat (nat_to_bvec len n) = n.

Theorem ntb_invert_mod : forall len n,
  eqMod (pow2 len) (bvec_to_nat (nat_to_bvec len n)) n.

Theorem ntb_add : forall len n1 n2,
  eqMod (pow2 len) (n1 + n2)
  (bvec_to_nat (nat_to_bvec len n1) + bvec_to_nat (nat_to_bvec len n2)).

Lemma ntb_invert_eqMod : forall len n1 n2 n k,
  bvec_to_nat (nat_to_bvec len n) <= n1
  -> n <= k * pow2 len
  -> eqMod (pow2 len) (n1 + k * pow2 len - n) n2
  -> eqMod (pow2 len) (n1 - bvec_to_nat (nat_to_bvec len n)) n2.

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