Library Asm.Bitvector.Defs

Fixed-size bit vectors with two's-complement arithmetic

Require Import Arith ZArith.
Require Import Bool Bvector.

Require Import Asm.Util.ArithUtil.
Require Import Asm.Util.Mod.
Require Import Asm.Util.Specif.
Require Import Asm.Util.Tactics.
Require Import Asm.Util.Vector.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Abbreviations for specific sizes

Definition int8 := Bvector 8.
Definition int16 := Bvector 16.
Definition int32 := Bvector 32.


Strongly-specified, decidable equality

Definition bvec_eq_dec : forall n (v1 v2 : Bvector n), {v1 = v2} + {v1 <> v2}.

Definition int8_eq_dec := @bvec_eq_dec 8.
Definition int16_eq_dec := @bvec_eq_dec 16.
Definition int32_eq_dec := @bvec_eq_dec 32.

Boolean decidable equality

Definition bvec_eq n (v1 v2 : Bvector n) := sum_to_bool (bvec_eq_dec v1 v2).

Definition int8_eq := @bvec_eq 8.
Definition int16_eq := @bvec_eq 16.
Definition int32_eq := @bvec_eq 32.


Constant zero vectors

Definition bzero := Bvect_false.
Definition bzero8 := bzero 8.
Definition bzero16 := bzero 16.
Definition bzero32 := bzero 32.

Maximal vectors for particular sizes

Definition bmax := Bvect_true.


Converting bitvectors into naturals

Fixpoint bvec_to_nat n (v : Bvector n) {struct v} : nat :=
  match v with
    | Vnil => O
    | Vcons false n v => 2 * bvec_to_nat v
    | Vcons true n v => 1 + 2 * bvec_to_nat v

Converting naturals into bitvectors

Fixpoint nat_to_bvec (bound n : nat) {struct bound} : Bvector bound :=
  match bound as x return Bvector x with
    | O => Bnil
    | S bound =>
      Bcons (mod2_bool n) bound (nat_to_bvec bound (div2 n))

Constant one vectors

Definition bone (n : nat) := nat_to_bvec n 1.
Definition bone8 := bone 8.
Definition bone16 := bone 16.
Definition bone32 := bone 32.

Increment and decrement


Fixpoint binc len (v : Bvector len) {struct v} : Bvector len :=
  match v in vector _ len return Bvector len with
    | Vnil => Bnil
    | Vcons false n v => Bcons true n v
    | Vcons true n v => Bcons false n (binc v)

Definition binc2 n (v : Bvector n) := binc (binc v).
Definition binc3 n (v : Bvector n) := binc (binc (binc v)).
Definition binc4 n (v : Bvector n) := binc (binc (binc (binc v))).


Fixpoint bdec len (v : Bvector len) {struct v} : Bvector len :=
  match v in vector _ len return Bvector len with
    | Vnil => Bnil
    | Vcons false n v => Bcons true n (bdec v)
    | Vcons true n v => Bcons false n v

Definition bdec2 n (v : Bvector n) := bdec (bdec v).
Definition bdec3 n (v : Bvector n) := bdec (bdec (bdec v)).
Definition bdec4 n (v : Bvector n) := bdec (bdec (bdec (bdec v))).

Bitwise operations

Definition bnot := Bneg.
Definition bnot8 := @bnot 8.
Definition bnot16 := @bnot 16.
Definition bnot32 := @bnot 32.

Definition band := BVand.
Definition band8 := @band 8.
Definition band16 := @band 16.
Definition band32 := @band 32.

Definition bor := BVor.
Definition bor8 := @bor 8.
Definition bor16 := @bor 16.
Definition bor32 := @bor 32.

Left shift
Definition bshl := BshiftL_iter.
Definition bshl8 := @bshl 7.
Definition bshl16 := @bshl 15.
Definition bshl32 := @bshl 31.

Right shift
Definition bshr := BshiftRl_iter.
Definition bshr8 := @bshr 7.
Definition bshr16 := @bshr 15.
Definition bshr32 := @bshr 31.

Two's complement arithmetic

Definition bneg len (v : Bvector len) := binc (bnot v).
Definition bneg8 := @bneg 8.
Definition bneg16 := @bneg 16.
Definition bneg32 := @bneg 32.

Generic arithmetic operation
Definition barith f bound (v1 v2 : Bvector bound) :=
  nat_to_bvec bound (f (bvec_to_nat v1) (bvec_to_nat v2)).

Definition badd := barith plus.
Definition badd8 := @badd 8.
Definition badd16 := @badd 16.
Definition badd32 := @badd 32.

Definition bsub bound v1 v2 := @barith plus bound v1 (bneg v2).
Definition bsub8 := @bsub 8.
Definition bsub16 := @bsub 16.
Definition bsub32 := @bsub 32.

Decidable comparisons

Definition blt_dec n (v1 v2 : Bvector n) :=
  dec_lt (bvec_to_nat v1) (bvec_to_nat v2).
Definition ble_dec n (v1 v2 : Bvector n) :=
  dec_le (bvec_to_nat v1) (bvec_to_nat v2).

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