Library ProofOS.AbsInt.WeakDriver

Verification driver

Require Import List TheoryList.

Require Import Asm.Util.ArithUtil.

Require Import Asm.Bitvector.Bitvector.
Require Import Asm.X86.X86.

Require Import ProofOS.AbsInt.Sal.
Require Import ProofOS.AbsInt.TypeSystem.
Require Import ProofOS.AbsInt.StackTypes.
Require Import ProofOS.AbsInt.WeakUpdateTypes.
Require Import ProofOS.AbsInt.SimpleCond.

Set Implicit Arguments.

  Parameter minitMem : mem.
  Parameter codeStart : int32.
  Parameter codeLength : nat.
  Axiom codeHigh : bvec_to_nat codeStart >= 4.
  Axiom codeFits : bvec_to_nat codeStart + codeLength < pow2 32 - 3.
  Axiom codeBigEnough : longestInstr + 1 <= codeLength.

  Parameter stackStart : int32.
  Parameter stackLength : nat.
  Axiom stackHigh : bvec_to_nat stackStart >= 4.
  Axiom stackBig : stackLength > 8.
  Axiom stackFits : bvec_to_nat stackStart + stackLength < pow2 32 - 3.
  Axiom stackCodeSeparate : disjointRegions codeStart codeLength stackStart stackLength.
  Axiom stackLongEnough : stackLength >= 4.

  Parameter heapStart : int32.
  Parameter heapLength : nat.
  Axiom heapHigh : bvec_to_nat heapStart >= 4.
  Axiom heapFits : bvec_to_nat heapStart + heapLength < pow2 32 - 3.
  Axiom heapCodeSeparate : disjointRegions codeStart codeLength heapStart heapLength.
  Axiom heapStackSeparate : disjointRegions stackStart stackLength heapStart heapLength.

  Declare Module Regions : DRIVER_REGIONS.
  Declare Module Sys : WEAK_UPDATE_TYPE_SYSTEM.

Module Driver (Param : DRIVER_PARAM).
  Import Param.
  Import Regions.

  Module StackParam <: M86_PARAM_FIXED_CODE_AND_STACK.
    Definition minitState st := stPc st = codeStart /\ stMem st = minitMem.

    Definition minitMem := minitMem.
    Definition codeStart := codeStart.
    Definition codeLength := codeLength.
    Definition codeHigh := codeHigh.
    Definition codeFits := codeFits.

    Theorem pcInRange : forall st, minitState st
      -> bvec_to_nat codeStart
      <= bvec_to_nat (stPc st)
      < bvec_to_nat codeStart + codeLength - longestInstr.

    Theorem codeUniform : forall st, minitState st
      -> agree_range (stMem st) minitMem codeStart codeLength.

    Definition stackStart := stackStart.
    Definition stackLength := stackLength.
    Definition stackHigh := stackHigh.
    Definition stackFits := stackFits.
    Definition stackCodeSeparate := stackCodeSeparate.

    Definition heapStart := heapStart.
    Definition heapLength := heapLength.
    Definition heapHigh := heapHigh.
    Definition heapFits := heapFits.
    Definition heapCodeSeparate := heapCodeSeparate.
    Definition heapStackSeparate := heapStackSeparate.
   End StackParam.

  Module Weak := WeakUpdateTypes.Make(StackParam).
  Import Weak.
  Import Cond.
  Import Stack.
  Import TySys.
  Import Fixed.
  Import MySal.

  Module MySys := Create(Sys).

Specify the root states for a verification

  Module Type ROOT_STATES.
    Parameter roots : {rs : list (list (stateDescription (stackTy MySys.ty)
      (stackState MySys.ty MySys.mastate))
    * stateDescription (stackTy MySys.ty) (stackState MySys.ty MySys.mastate))
      | AllS (fun sd => match sdPc (snd sd) with
                          | ApcUnknown => False
                          | ApcConst pc => validPc pc
                        end) rs}.

    Parameters functions : list (function_info (stackTy MySys.ty)).

  Module Make (Roots : ROOT_STATES).
    Import Roots.

    Module MyTypeSystemPlus <: TYPE_SYSTEM_WITH_FUNCTIONS.
      Module Sys := MySys.
      Definition functions := functions.
     End MyTypeSystemPlus.

    Module TypeSystem := Stack.AddStackTypes(MyTypeSystemPlus).
Produce the first input to the chain of functors to come
    Module User <: USE_TYPE_SYSTEM.
      Module Sys := TypeSystem.

      Definition minit : {init : list (list (stateDescription Sys.ty Sys.mastate)
        * stateDescription Sys.ty Sys.mastate)
        | (AllS (fun sd => match sdPc (snd sd) with
                           | ApcUnknown => False
                           | ApcConst pc => validPc pc
                         end) init)
          /\ forall st, M.minitState st -> exists ctx, exists sd,
            In (nil, sd) init
            /\ ApcConst (SstPc st) = sdPc sd
            /\ (forall r, Sys.hasTy ctx (get_reg st r) (SalRegMap.get r (sdRegs sd)))
            /\ Sys.mconc ctx st (sdCust sd)}.
     End User.

    Module Abs1 := Abstraction(User).
    Module Abs2 := Fix(Abs1).
    Module Ch := MySal.Checker(Abs2).

    Module Mac := MC.
    Definition verify := Ch.verify.

   End Make.

  Definition fold_right := fold_right.
End Driver.

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